Saturday, February 25, 2012


Prophetic Poem

“Queen Esther’s Banqueting Hall”


Lisa Jo Greer

(All Rights Reserved)

Come One, Come All

To Queen Esther’s Banqueting Hall

For her table shall be laden

With rich fare

And goodies for all to share

All Esthers and Mordecais –

This banquet is for you

For we have much to do, much to do.

Come One, Come All

To Queen Esther’s banqueting hall

For the food shall be divine

And let this to you be a sign

All Esthers and Mordecais are to attend

O Let the Heavens rend

And as you take your rightful place

With the King’s scepter extended from

Heaven’s Throne of Grace

Establishing God’s justice and authority

Your story, Yes, Your story,

like that of Esther

and Mordecai shall be written as decree

If only you believe

If only you believe

This night you shall remember and recall

O Do Come to the King’s ball

For His Royal Court will be in session

And You Shall, You Shall

Receive a Blessing!

So I bid you to come and celebrate Purim with us this night

For like Esther and Mordecai, you bring

the King delight.

You Bring the King delight.

(Given to Lisa Jo Greer,

February 17, 2012

(All Rights Reserved)

Many people ask me if they can forward my words to friends and family members. If you wish to reprint or forward this poem to friends and family members for personal ministry and/or edification, I grant you permission to do so. If you wish to reprint, distribute, or reproduce this poem in any way other than for friends and family members or for any other use, please do not do so without my explicit permission and/or authorization. Should you wish to do so, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will most likely grant you permission. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.


In His Love,

Lisa Jo Greer