Thursday, October 31, 2013






“Just Be”
        In a recent time of prayer, I was seeking the Lord for direction and guidance.  I was asking Him for the next specific thing that He wished me to do in regard to an area of my life.  As I did so, I heard him say, “Just be and let Me bless you.  The rest will happen from there.”  I feel that this word may not be just for me but for others as well.  You may be seeking specific guidance and direction from the Lord.   But all that He really wants you to do at this time is to wait and “just be.”  “Just be in Him.”
He Will Open Doors that No One Can Shut
        I also heard the Lord say, “Your time is coming and has now come, and nothing can stand in the way.  I will open doors for you that the enemy cannot shut.  Doors of grace, doors of influence, and doors of power and authority.  For I have much, much for you.  Much you cannot even think or fathom.  There are gifts and anointings within you that I have not yet unlocked, for I hold the key.  Some I have unlocked, but others you will soon discover. “  There are many reading this word that have been under attack from the enemy.  Please know, that the Lord is rallying His angelic forces around you.  You will prevail.  You will persevere.  You will overcome.  And when you do, there is nothing that can stand in your way from the destiny that the Lord has for you.  He, and only He, will open doors for you, not yourself and not any man.  These will be doors that no man nor the enemy can shut. 
The “Now Words” of Isaiah 22:22 and Rev. 3:7-8
        I believe that Isaiah 22:22 and Revelation 3:7-8 are “now words” for many people in the Body of Christ right now. 

“I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.”

Isaiah 22:22

“These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David.  What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.  I know your deeds.  See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. . . . “

Revelation 3: 7-8

Doors of Grace, Influence, and Authority
        For some of you, these will be doors of grace.  For others, these will be doors of influence in the community.  And for still others, these will be doors of power and great authority in Him.  There are also gifts and anointings that the Lord has placed within us that have yet to be unlocked.  They will be unlocked in His divine timing and with His key.  Get ready, for I believe that many in the Body are about to discover and be awakened to gifts and anointings in them by the Spirit that they did not know that they had.   
“Seeds of Destiny” Planted Within You
        There are also “seeds of destiny” that the Lord has planted within us long ago.    The Psalmist speaks of this in Psalm 139:
“For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb,
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully jade;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well,
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.

Psalm 139: 13-16

He has watered those seeds, and now they are beginning to sprout and come to fruition in our lives.
Books in Heaven Regarding Our Destiny Now Being Opened
        There are also books in Heaven where our destiny is foretold.   For many, these books are now being opened, and the Lord is looking carefully at what has been written in His book regarding our destiny.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Psalm 139: 16.

A Time of Supernatural Provision and No Lack
        This is a time when we should not doubt what the Lord is saying to us, but instead a time in which we should praise His name for what He is doing and is about to do.  Doubting Him is actually a sin.  For not only is He propelling many into their divine destiny, in it will be a time of supernatural provision where there will be no lack.
“Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?”

2 Kings 4: 2

I tell you, in the days to come, the Spirit of God, will say that to you as well, “Tell me, what do  you have in your house?”  And just as He provided for that widow long ago, He will also provide for you.  There will be no lack for the people of God.
Cease Striving
        This is also a time for us to “just be” and let God be truly God in our lives and to cease striving.  For He is washing away the strife in our lives.   
“Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Psalm 46: 10   

Stay Obedient
        The Lord continued, “Stay obedient.   Stay in the fear of your God.  Stay in the love of your God.  And watch, watch, what I will do.”   I believe that one of the greatest virtues that we can possess as a Christian, besides love, is that of obedience to the Lord.  For out of obedience, other virtues flow.  And if we truly love the Lord, we will obey Him.  It is not always easy to obey Him in the waiting, in the sitting before Him,  in the “just being,” but we must.  He invites us to watch what He will do.  For the Israelites He gave manna from Heaven and parted the Red Sea, what miraculous things await us who know Him, love Him, and serve Him?   He gave me this poem.  I have entitled it, “Just Be.”  I pray that it is a blessing to you and an encouragement in your walk with Him.                





Just be
Just be and let Me
Do what I desire
Let Me burn within you with My holy fire
Let Me ignite you with My flame
For you will never, never be the same

Just be
Just be and let Me
Truly be God in your life
And there will be no more strife
For I will wash it away
On this day
On this day

Just be
Just be and let Me
Do the rest
For I decree, you are blessed
You are blessed
Blessed beyond measure
And I do bestow upon you My favor

Just be
Just be and let Me
For I am the One who waters the seed
That I have planted long ago
Oh, how it has and shall continue to grow

Just be
Just be and watch Me
Watch Me open doors that you cannot fathom
Doors that the enemy cannot shut
For what I decree
 You shall walk now through
Oh, do let it ensue

Just be
Just be and watch Me
And believe, for your destiny is about to unfold
For it has been foretold
And it is written in My book
To which I now look

Just be
Just be and do not doubt
But instead shout
And praise your Lord
For you, you are going forward
Forward into your destiny and not back
And there will be no lack
No lack

Just be
Just be and know
That I will do all that I have said
I am not a man that I should lie
But I say to you, rise
And take your place
And seek My face
For there you shall find
All that you seek
In kind
(Given to Lisa Jo Greer, October 30, 2013)