Sunday, November 18, 2012

"The Tipping Point of a Nation" - Prophetic Word and Poem by Lisa Jo Greer


November 18, 2012

       Some of you have asked me my thoughts on the election.  On the morning of the day of the election as I awoke I heard in the Spirit the phrase, “the tipping point, the tipping point of this nation.”   Off and on throughout the day of the election, I kept hearing, “the tipping point, the tipping point.”  As I went to my polling place, I was surprised at such a relatively light turnout.
       The evening of the election came, and I sat down to watch the returns.  I watched into the wee hours of the morning and heard Mr. Romney’s concession speech.  After that I turned off the television, and I sat down at the table to drink some milk before retiring for the night.  The Lord began to speak to me.  This is the prophetic poem that He gave to me that evening.  I have waited to send it out, because I wanted to be sure what I believe He is saying.  Here it is.  I have entitled it , “The Tipping Point of a Nation.” :


America is at the tipping point

The tipping point of this nation has come
And now My scales of justice shall weigh out
For the sum has spoken even for the few
So shall My judgment now be loosed
Take heed all those who fear My name
And hear this word
You shall be saved
But nothing shall remain the same
Nothing shall remain the same

Rise up men and women of God
For it is with My peace that your feet shall be shod
Not the peace of the world, for there shall be none
None, none I say, until I come
For now is your time
To stand and to shine
To shine My Light as never before
To a darkened world
For My Light in you shall ever grow more bright
For I shall clothe you with My power and with My might
For My Church is My People
It is not a building or a steeple
That will become even more clear
With the New Year

And My Bride shall arise
With My Light in her eyes
Do not be afraid of what is to come
No harm shall you befall
But there will be no longer any lull
The tipping point has come
Do not be drunk with the world’s rum

But instead drink of My wine
From My vine
And fill your cup
For only those who have come to sup
With Me
Will see
Will truly see
My plans in the earth
For wide is My girth
And they will overcome
And they will overcome
Hear what I say now in this crucial hour
And be not caught up in the mire
Or the mud
But be daily washed in My Blood
(Given to Lisa Jo Greer, November 7, 2012)


     I do not know all that is to come, but I believe that one thing is for sure - that things in this nation will not remain the same.  The status quo will be no more.  Everything as we know it as of now is about to change.  How soon this comes, I am not sure.  It could be weeks or months, but I do not believe it will be long. What will come out of this will be very good, perhaps not good for America, but good for the Church, and especially good for the American Church (in God’s eyes), and good for His Bride.  I believe that we are embarking on one of the greatest times in the history of the Church since the Early Church, and we have the privilege and honor of living during this time.  The saints of old longed for this time, but it is not them who were granted to live during these times, but us.   Let us truly say together, and mean with the totality and entirety of our hearts, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done.  On earth as it is in Heaven.”   And let us learn to truly embrace the Lord during this time, for it is He who is our Provider and the Sustainer of all life.  
       You have my permission to forward this word to whomever you may wish for personal edification and/or ministry purposes.  All other purposes are strictly prohibited.  May God bless all of you reading this word.
                                       In His Love,
                                       Lisa Jo Greer