April 7, 2013
I heard the Lord
say, “Your Boaz is coming, your Boaz is on His way. I see you working in the fields, in My
fields. Just as Ruth worked in Boaz’s fields,
you have been working in My fields. Many
of you, like Ruth, have worked tirelessly in My fields, often from sunup to
sundown. You, like Ruth, also have not
just cared for yourself, but have also cared for others. But know, that like Boaz, I have seen you
working in My fields. I have noticed
you. You have caught My eye. And like Ruth, I tell you, your Boaz is
coming, your Boaz is indeed on His way.”
asked the foreman of his harvesters, ‘Whose young woman is that?” The foreman replied, ‘She is the Moabitess
who came back from Moab with Naomi. She
said, ‘Please let me glean and gather among the sheaves behind the
harvesters.’ She went into the field and
has worked steadily from morning till now, except for a short rest in the shelter.’”
Ruth 2:
. .
replied, ‘I’ve been told all about what you have done for your mother-in-law –
since the death of your husband-how you left your father and mother and your
homeland and came to live with a people you did not know before. May the Lord repay you for what you have
done. May you be richly rewarded by the
Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.’”
Ruth 2:
The Lord also
said that many of you reading this word have felt like a stranger in a foreign
land. You may not physically be in a
foreign land, but you may feel this way.
“Tell them, tell them –their Boaz is coming, their Boaz is on His way,
for there are reasons that I have allowed the things to occur as they have for
them. Ruth was in the place of her
destiny in the field of Boaz. Just as
many of you are in the place of your destiny in My field.”
“For I am your
Kinsman-Redeemer, and I am coming to redeem in this hour. The time of your
redemption draweth nigh.”
“’Spread the corner of your garment over me, since you
are a kinsman-redeemer.’”
Ruth 3: 9.
I felt that the Lord was bringing redemption and restoration to
families and family situations in this hour.
For some of you I felt that this redemption was long-awaited. Some of you have waited a very long time, - years,
decades, and even centuries, in some instances, for what is to now be redeemed
by the Lord. But now is the appointed time
for the Lord to redeem. Just as there
was an appointed time for Ruth and Naomi, there is an appointed time for you
now. Now is the time. I
therefore speak redemption to families, to brothers and sisters, to parents and
children, to cousins and aunts and uncles.
I believe that this redemption can take a number of forms. In some families it will be the restoration
of broken relationships, in others it will be return and restoration of
property and/or stolen inheritances. If
you or a family member have either lost property or had their inheritance
stolen, whether in the physical or in the spiritual, there is a window of time
now where the Lord is coming, like Boaz, to restore and to redeem. But like Ruth, it is crucial that you
recognize the Kinsman-Redeemer when He comes.
It is crucial that you recognize the Lord when He comes. For He is coming like Boaz. The
Lord is also bringing redemption and restoration to marriages in this hour, to
husbands and to wives.
“Last, like Ruth,
know that I have found favor with you. I
have found favor with you. And like
Boaz, I will willingly redeem. I will
willingly redeem.” Please know that the
Lord has found favor with you, and He chooses to willingly redeem and bring
redemption and restoration on your behalf.